Sunday, August 31, 2008

At a crossroads

Ok, so after a lot of coaxing by friends, family and co-workers, I am taking the time to start a blog for our family.
I've named it "byerscrossroads" as I've been thinking a lot about how many crossroads we face in our lives and the directions we choose to go in. Do we ignore the fact that we have other options to turn to and keep on the straight and narrow? Do we take a chance on a new road, not knowing where it leads or what is going to be around the bend? Have we even considered that we can tear down trees and make our own roads? 2008 has definitely presented it's share of crossroads to our family! While it's scary to think of getting off that beaten path that so many have gone down, I have found so much adventure in exploring new paths, although sometimes I do need a push from fate :)
These last few months for our family have been a blur between Bobby starting at a new store, moving to a new town, myself starting a new position and now Kyleigh starting school. For those of you close to me, I cannot thank you enough for your understanding of my craziness this summer...and sometimes continued craziness! While this crossroad is far in the distance, looking back I am glad we took the chance as a family to make our own way and step out of our comfort zone. I hope that you all will have the support of great family and friends as I do to take that chance and go down the road less traveled. And I hope you all enjoy our blog :)


Life Glimpsed: The Denglers said...

YOU BLOG! YOU BLOG! YOU BLOG! WOOO HOOOOOOO! i'm so glad i can keep up with you now. your girls are getting SO big and even more beautiful. ...and i'm praying for life to smoothe out a little...or at least the road...and i'm praying for your parents' health. xoxo

Linds. said...

Nice. I'll be sure to check back for any updates/pictures that you post. I'm glad everything seems to have settled down a bit for you, considering the drama that you had to endure for a few months there. Must be nice to find your path out of the abyss that is Bayer. :) Lucky.