Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Einee minee mini moe......

Isn't it funny when you hear of other people's decisions and wonder to yourself "how the heck did they come up with that?". It's so easy to judge when it's not your burden to bear. For those of us that obsess over every little thing, it's easy to obsess just on the method to this "decision making"...are you a "pros and cons" list maker? Do you value other's opinions and base your final choice on them? Do you flip a coin? Wasn't it nice when you were little and it just took a flip of a coin to make the correct, fair choice for everyone? As we all grow older, the decisions tend to get more and more complex, and in consequence the method to our madness does as well. Why is this? Does it really need to be more?
We are all faced with hard choices, as a friend, family member, parent or even being an American citizen. Bottom line, you just need to be able to live with it. The joy of us all is the fact that we are different, what works for one is a completely insane thought for another. The best lessons and most valuable ones I have learned in life came from my ability (or inability) to make the correct decision. I hope one day I will be able to refrain from stepping in my girl's lives and let them handle most of them on their own (there are some of course that will be non-negotiable!).
Point is to be more open-minded in yourself and dealing with others. Think outside the box and try and new way to look at a problem the next time one comes around or really make the point to listen and understand when a friend tells you of their problem/solution the next time you are talking. You may open up a whole new you.

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