Saturday, September 20, 2008


So, it's been a while since I posted and I know everyone has wanted updates on my dad and on myself since my "home office" has become official.
Dad didn't end up having his scan. His doctor is traveling to a conference and he decided he would rather wait until he returns back to have it done. So, on October 14th, he will have his scan. Please continue your thoughts and prayers that this scan will bring our family good news. He still seems to be in good spirits, but you can tell he is pretty tired. I have absolutely no idea how he continues to work full time and deal with all of the treatments.....I guess he feels if he stops, he admits defeat and that is something he just will not do.
As for me, this completes my first week working from home. It's been bittersweet. I have enjoyed the 5 minute v/s hour drive to work and it's nice to be able to walk Hayley on my lunch break, but I miss seeing everyone everyday. I cannot just walk downstairs and vent to Jen/Liz/Whitney/Tammy if I wanted to. I cannot just meet Meredith for lunch if I wanted to. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for my situation. There was a time when I cried almost every night wondering how all of this was going to work out, but things have worked out in a way I never dreamed they would have, and in turn, that has opened up a lot of opportunity for me to have a healthier work/family lifestyle. I just miss my peeps :-(
Reece had her 3 year check up this week as well and Dr. Forehand confirmed our suspicions that Reece is very stubborn and willful and will potty train when SHE is ready. So....we wait....patiently :-) Otherwise, she is growing beautifully and we are very thankful to have a healthy, happy and hard-headed Reece-a-roni!

1 comment:

Life Glimpsed: The Denglers said...

how's working from home? how's dad? how's mom? how are the girls? how are bobby? how are you?