Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is almost....

So, there are a lot of things coming up for me, and all of us!

It is almost....Mother's Day! Here is to all of you moms, both biological and adoptive, stay at home and working outside the home, tired and exhausted who give yourselves day after day for your kids and family. Who wipe poop without so much as a hesitation, who kiss boo boos covered in neosporin, who wash unaccountable loads of laundry every week. To those moms who cook even though you really just want to sit down and have someone else serve you, who pack lunches because you want your child to have the best, who lets their kids pick out their own clothes, even though it looks like a fashion statement from the 80's! Those moms who keep their word to their kids and do whatever it takes to not let them down, who do not let a day go by without hugging and kissing them and telling them how much they love them, who read the same books over and over again even though they could recite them in their sleep.
For those moms that go to bed knowing how blessed they are to have their kids, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OF YOU!

It's almost....the end of the school year. Wow this year has flown by so fast! I cannot believe Kyleigh will be in first grade next year. She has grown so much physically and mentally this past year and is turning into a quite the smart young lady. We are so proud of her!'s almost....time for the beach! The girls are so excited to get back out to the ocean. I definitely need some sun on these legs!

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