Friday, May 29, 2009

Sweet comment from Reece a roni

So, I just had to share this.

We were coming back from dinner last night and the girls were talking away, well, mostly Reece. She has been borderline obsessed with being "old" lately, almost asking everyday "Am I old yet mommy". Not sure where all of this has come from, but I smile when I say no, she's still my baby. A little disappointed, she usually moves right along to the next subject.

I thought last night I would get a better idea of why this is so important to ask about everyday and asked her where she would go if she could go anywhere in the world when she is "old" (which by the way in Reece's mind is a teenager!).

"I would drive my Jeep (she has requested a red Jeep) and I would go to the present store and buy Kyleigh lots of Bratz dolls because I know she loves them (we don't buy them in our house because I don't like the way they look).

How sweet! If she could go anywhere and do anything in the entire world, she thought of doing something for her sister first. What a life, pure and simple thinking of others just because you love them. Now THAT brought a smile to my face!

It doesn't make them want to sign a peace treaty with each other yet, but it makes me proud how much they love each other and always think of each other....even when they are kicking and screaming over toys!