30...that's right, I'm 30 today. I've been thinking a lot about what that means. My 20's were such a wonderful experience....I got married, graduated college, had kids, grew in a career, and lived a pretty sweet life. The "American Dream" in fact. Job, husband, kids, cars, house, bills, etc. I started thinking about what my 30's might look like.
I thought Kyleigh was strange at best for wanting to be a tree for Halloween this year, but she may be onto something. I'm thinking I want to be a tree too, but everyday, not just on Halloween. Here's why....
Trees have rootsThey have a support system that keeps them standing strong throughout any storm life may bring. They get their nutrients to grow from their roots. My roots are in God and I hope to continue to spread them even further in my 30's. This past Sunday, I was baptized and I cannot even put into words what that means to me.
Last in line
Trees continue to grow Trees don't reach a certain age and just stop for the most part, they continue to grow. They expand, reach out. I would like to grow even more these next few years...grow more as a parent, as a follower of Christ, as a wife, as a friend...and understand what all of these mean.
Trees have simple needsSunlight, water, love. Seems pretty basic right? Trees don't need to have fancy colors on their leaves all year or even be covered in leaves all of the time. They don't need bright decorations or to be in the best location to grow and flourish. I need to take a step back at my needs for life and re-evaluate what is a need or a wordly want.
Trees reach outThey reach up and out. Exactly what my arms should be doing. Reaching up in thanksgiving and prayer and reaching out to others.
Trees do not worryTrees don't worry when the next rain is going to fall to provide for them. They stand in faith and just know it will. They don't pull out their calculators and factor things out. This is a big one for me. I need to walk by faith and not sight.
Trees offer protection and shelter I want to continue to provide for my family, in whatever form that takes. To protect them, teach them, be there for them.
I never believed when I sat down and started thinking about how to make a tree costume it would be the light bulb moment I needed. I know it may seem kind of corny and symbolic, but maybe it's symbolic to follow a dream for my life that just isn't relevant anymore.
Here's to my 30's. Looks like you have a lot to live up too!