Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Afternoon routines

So, what routines do you do everyday? We've been trying to get better about ours. I will be the first to admit things get crazy around here sometimes and our best intentioned plans get thrown right out the window, but that's life isn't it? In a perfect world, I would get off work everyday a few minutes early, come back home after picking Reece up to cook a wonderful healthy meal, everyone would pitch in to help clean a bit, we would all stroll around the neighborhood or ride bikes and then come home to bath, books and bedtime....and mom and dad would go to bed at a decent time too.

WELL....that's not always how it goes in my house. My work varies day by day...some days it's slower, some days I don't even get to eat, which means some days I get to pick Reece up at a decent time and sometimes I am picking her up and coming back home to finish my work. Perk of having your work computer right in your bedroom huh? Sometimes I am just too plain tired to cook, or don't want to, or simply have been in my house all day with only the dogs to keep my company and want to be around other human beings for a bit. So, I probably don't cook as much as I really should.

As for riding bikes or walking after dinner, it's usually a mad scramble by the time we get off work to get everything together from the day and get baths going. I'm so bad for this. I'm going to try and make a commitment starting today to get outside for a bit everyday after dinner, no matter what....a short walk with the dog, throwing rocks in the pond, riding bikes, whatever. We live in a nice neighborhood and there is no reason not to get out and enjoy it!

One thing we do not ever skip on is our bedtime reading. Our girls love to look at books and Kyleigh is a great reader. They each have piles of books on their beds that they read at night even after we leave the room.

What routines do you do daily in your family? What do you stick to no matter what? Do you have the mad scramble sometimes going on in your house too? :-)

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