Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving for all of the right reasons

You know, I'm as guilty as anyone in getting sucked up into the world's notion of what holidays should look like. Tree up by Thanksgiving, perfect looking food on our beautifully decorated table, everyone going around and giving thanks like we are reading out of individual Hallmark cards, sitting around watching football and getting ready for the next day's sales.

While our Thanksgiving was not straight out of the latest holiday movie, it was perfect. We had 11 people all together for Thanksgiving yesterday. While I could have gotten stressed out about the sheer number to feed or about the fact that there was one less since my dad was not here with us this year (Thanksgiving last year was the last time he would be able to visit us, the last time I would ever stand and hug him), I didn't. I was so grateful to have everyone come together from both families (Bobby's mom - "Grandma" and dad - "Big Papa", my mom - "Nannie" and step dad - "Papa", Bobby's brother - "Uncle John" and my two nephews came - "Bryson and Bryon").

I don't know how, but we got it all cooked and on the table only 30 minutes past when I hoped we would. The kids were a little crazy, but just excited to see each other I guess. Lots of running and screaming going on for sure! Bobby, his dad and brother were outside working on his car. A dad and his sons working together. Something to be said about those simple things no matter how frustrating the car was! It made me smile thinking about Bobby saying earlier that week that he wanted to put a car together with our son. I hope by next Thanksgiving we at least have our referral!!

The dinner went great, and while we didn't go around and verbalize everything we were grateful for, we didn't need to. If you looked around, you saw it. There was Kyleigh giving my mom (Nannie) a hand made birthday card and giving her a hug, my step dad (Papa) walking with all of the kids so they could get out and ride bikes and scooters around the neighborhood, Bobby's mom (Grandma) helping the girls with crafts or playing games with the boys, John under Bobby's car helping him, Big Papa getting attacked by my girls even though he had a hurt knee and the kids just so excited to see each other. Those little things are what mean so much. And this Thanksgiving I'm so thankful for each of them.

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